Join Jewish Voice for Peace Bay Area

As a member, you have access to:

Unbiased news about the genocide in Gaza and the occupation of the West Bank

Rallies and actions to urge the US government to stop arming Israel

Educational programs about the root causes of Israel’s government oppression of Palestinians

Teams you can join to get more involved

A warm welcoming community of proud Jews and allies with a place for you

JVP Bay Area includes members from San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, and Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Mateo and Solano Counties

We’re one of 83 local JVP chapters and pods.

We encourage everyone to join Jewish Voice for Peace by making an annual donation of $18.00 or more HERE; funds will go to our JVPBA chapter. Next, fill out the form below to sign up with our chapter. JVP Bay Area also welcomes non-dues paying members.